Sip & Samples
    • 27 Jan 2025
    • 6 Minutes to read
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    Sip & Samples

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    Article summary

    Sip & Sample Party

    Sip and Samples are exciting experiences where you can taste, touch, and test the newest innovations in the holistic, clean beauty and wellness of Neora! It’s a chance for guests, friends and family to discover more about our record-breaking company, which is expanding to meet soaring demand, and see how it might just be the perfect, fun side-gig to help them earn extra cash.

    Check out all the upcoming Sip & Sample parties happening across the U.S. and Canada at

    Important Update! Starting February 1, 2025, Sip and Sample events that qualify for a support package of products will include a shipping and handling fee of $20.00 USD / $29.00 CAD to cover the expense of shipping the free products. Thank you for being so understanding as we implement this update!

    Event Components

    Corporate Will Provide:

    • FREE Product Bundle for Experience Stations

      • 3 Boxes of Eye Patches (US/CA) to demonstrate on guests

      • 1 Eye Serum (US/CA) for thumb challenge

      • 1 Box of Block + Balance (US) and/or 1 Youth Factor Powder (CA/US) for guests to taste at event

      • FREE Enrollment Gift of 3 Frothers (US/CA) while supplies last, enrollment gifts may vary. Given to anyone who joins as a Brand Partner at event.

    • Product & Marketing Cards for Experience Stations (will need to be printed by host and put in 8 ½ x 11 acrylic stands or frames)

    • Get to Know Neora Biz Opp PPT

    • 2 Video Options to Play

    • Curated Spotify Playlist

    • Event Guide including sample agenda and flow

    • Marketing template for event including graphics and flyer

    • Promote event on Sip & Sample webpage

    • 1 Marketing invite email to BPs and PCs (approx. a week out from event)

    The above is provided only if you complete each step in the “Registering Your Event” section below.

    Host Responsibility:

    • Coordinate event logistics

    • Add event to event calendar - AND create e-vite for people to RSVP. Must add e-vite link to calendar no less than 10 business days before the event.

    • Coordinate 1-2 testimonials

    • Host the event. Set up product experience stations.

    • Create invite using provided Sip & Sample templates

    • Must be an open market event

    • Book the venue (can be a residence, but must be open) & plan for agenda

    Registering Your Event

    Important! This step initiates corporate support for your event.

    1. Create an Eventbrite event for Brand Partners and guests to be able to RSVP to the event. Not sure how to create your evite? Learn more here. Submit the event to the Neora Event Calendar in your back office no less than 10 business days before the event date to receive product support. Late entries will be added to the website, but no product will be sent.

    2. Eventbrite link must be included in the initial Event Calendar submission.

    3. If you have multiple hosts, you can add additional contacts when entering the information to the Event Calendar.

    4. Provide your best estimate on the non-BP guest count. Consider if you have multiple BPs personally inviting into the event.

    5. Events created without the e-vite registration link will be approved, published on the Events Calendar and the website, but no product will be mailed.

    Experience Stations

    Set up an area of your venue to showcase the experience stations. Information flyers for each station (these will need to be printed and put in an 8 ½ x 11 acrylic stand or picture frame) are in the Toolkit. Each station should be set up with the coordinating product flyer, the product, and especially someone who can help facilitate the experience.

    Eye Station:

    Age IQ® Eye Serum (US/CA): Have guests dab eye serum on one thumb just below the cuticle to the main joint. They will begin to see results compared to their other thumb within a few minutes.

    Eye-V™ Moisture Boost Hydrogel Patches (US/CA)**: Encourage your guests to place eye patches on their under-eye area so they can experience the spa-like hydration of the eye patches. Encourage the guests to allow you to take a before photo using their phone so they can compare the before photo with the after results.

    Drink Station:

    Youth Factor® Antioxidant Boost Powder (US/CA): Have guests sample the recipe. Provide them with the benefits of the ingredients list if they want to know what's in the product. Direct them to the QR code to find more recipes.

    NeoraFit™ Block + Balance Pre & Probiotic (US): Have guests sample the recipe. Provide them with the benefits of the product and share the ingredients list if they want to know what's in the product. Direct them to the QR code to find more recipes they can make with the  powder.

    Enrollment Station: Set up an area of your venue with your QR code or paper applications to allow customers and new Brand Partners to enroll on the spot! Once enrolled, provide them with one of our provided enrollments gifts (Zen + Calm Lavendar Balm (US/CA); Neora Branded Fuzzy Socks (CA)) or your own personal gifts that you are able to provide.

    Additional stations you can set-up if you have the space:

    Age IQ® Night Cream (US/CA): Have guests experience our flagship product on the back of their hand so they can see feel the smooth and hydrating formula that addresses every major sign of aging, as well as fights future signs of aging. Point out the immediate tightening effect and encourage them to notice this on their hand.

    NeoraFit™ Block + Balance Powder (US): Have guests sample the powder. Provide them with the benefits of the product.

    NeoraFit™ Slim + Skin Collagen Powder (US): Have guests sample the recipe. Provide them with the benefits of the product and share the ingredients list if they want to know what's in the product. Direct them to the QR code to find more recipes they can make.

    Invisi-Bloc SPF (US): Have guests try the SPF on the back of their hand so they can feel the texture. Share the benefits, including that it protects against blue light.

    Sample Agenda

    (1 Hour Prior to Event): Set up welcome/ sign in area and product experience stations and have appetizers and drinks available before guests arrive. Test any A/V you will be using.

    Start time (30 Minutes – Mix & Mingle): Greet guests as they arrive, provide their name tag and Neora Your Way document, guide them through the experience stations, and encourage them to enjoy appetizers/refreshments as they mingle.

    30 Minutes After Start Time: Get the guests' attention and ask them to be seated.

    Recommended Flow for the Presentation Portion of the Event:

    Host Welcome (2 min)

    Leader or Host presents Get to Know Neora PPT OR play one of the video options (15 min)

    1-2 Testimonials (2 min or less)

    Local leader or host closes out/invites people to join (ensure they know about the gift for new BPs)

    After the Presentation Ends: Keep the fun going! Play music- start mix & mingle. Individually follow up with each guest and ask what they liked the best. Have paper applications available for enrollment-and help new PCs & BPs complete their application. Give out gift to any new enrolling BPs and help them book their first Sip & Sample. Keep experience stations available for guests who did not have the chance to visit each of them before the event.


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